Sunday, April 17, 2016

Photo Dump!

These are in absolutely no particular order and most of them are pointless. You're welcome.

When Mike makes pancakes, he makes mini ones for the dogs. Obviously.

Tuffy loves when I work from home.

I am obsessed with Snapchat and this photo will now haunt your dreams.

Walking to work after the blizzard was as fun as you think.

A perfect rainbow in our apartment gym.

Gizmo likes to wait outside the bathroom door when Mike is in there. Mike thinks he's very helpful and credits him with all his good bms.

Obligatory sleeping pug photo.

When it's warm enough for these shoes, you document it. 

Mike was gone for a week and Tuffy would lay here by the garage door while I worked and he looks so sad.

No one takes the late train into work, it's glorious.

An early anniversary present from my love that he found from my Pinterest. He's a genius.
Found here.

Ice Cream Riot is amazing and yes, Mike's is an ice cream sandwich made with two pop tarts.

Board games at breweries are always a good idea.


I missed Mike something awful when he was gone, but he took some gorgeous photos in DC. All his other photos were of the food he ate. Love him.


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