Sunday, November 18, 2012


Gizmo barfed 8 times.

I had to actually physically carry dirty things.
Which is not cool.

I was awoken by my husband telling me we couldn't move in the day I'd planned so we had to change all our hotel reservations.

I had a beer at noon.

I threw a bag of chicken on the floor of a grocery store because Mike was being mean to me.

These things were said:
"It's dirty and scary in here and I hate it."
"I basically just shit in your mouth."
"That car thinks you're a dick."
"This rice is going to make him iller."  "No, he's already the illest."

Then Mike made fun of me for not having a car.

(Sorry for all the cursing)


  1. Hi, I love reading your blog and nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my page for details :)

  2. Thanks so much, heading on over now!!

