Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Day in the Life of Tuffy the Pug

Since my brother already got one of these, it's about time for my turn right?

Here is a day in the life of me, Tuffy the pug:

6:20a.m.:  my mom woke me up because my brother woke her up. I would have slept in, personally.

Then mom fed us breakfast. And guess what? She actually heated up our food which she NEVER does.

7:30a.m.:  Time for our first walk of the day. Why does mom get so excited when we poop? She needs a new hobby.

8:00a.m.:  Mom shared her breakfast scone with us. Aren't you supposed to be on a diet though mom?

8:15a.m.:  First nap of the day...about time!

9:30a.m.:  Moved to nap in a different location so mom could watch a movie. Rule #1 of owning a pug: always have an available pillow for nap times.

11:30a.m.:  Mom shared her lunch with us. Fun fact: I got two garbanzo beans because the first picture, I lunged at the bean and was a crazy blur so we had to retake it.

12:20p.m.:  Second walk of the day.

12:30p.m.:  Nap time under the desk while mom works. Hey lady, where's my pillow?

1:10p.m.: More naps.

4:30p.m.:  Dinner time!

5:00p.m.:  Third walk of the day. Let's poop!

6:15p.m.:  Watched mom work out. Why are you panting so much, old lady?

7:15p.m.:  I helped mom cook dinner. Throw me some chicken, will ya'?

7:30p.m.:  Daddy is home!!

8:10p.m.:  I supervised dad's nightly s'more eating.

8:50p.m.:  Watching tv on mom's lap. Mom and dad are officially the last people on the planet watching True Detective.

9:15p.m.:  Last walk of the night. Sometimes on this walk, we see frogs and they scare the shit out of me when they hop at me. Not cool, frogs.

9:45p.m.:  Bed time!


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