The weekend started Thursday night with Third Thursday at The Tides. Which meant GIANT martinis, local music, and blurry/happy pictures.
AND drunk pictures with our poor children.
Friday, we nursed some hangovers...not gonna lie. We spent most of the day laying on the couch, whining, and being old. Five Guys helped cure our ills for sure. Oh man, any excuse to gorge on Five Guys,
I'll take it!
Saturday, we were feeling much better, so we headed off for a run, to the gym, and then went to Beer Fest at St. Mary's City. It was a blast: good beer, beer brats, giant pretzels, music, and beautiful views. I cannot wait to visit St. Mary's City again, it is seriously amazing.

We ended the weekend with some more work outs, some errands, and a whole lot of The Newsroom which we finally broke down and bought. Soooo good even though talking politics makes me stabby in general. AND WHY THE HELL ARE THERE ONLY 10 EPISODES?!
Whew, got that off my chest.
For the last weekend before I'm finally employed again, it was a great one! How was yours?
You like giant martinis? Well now I'm really hooked. :)
I doooo! My husband's were just hendricks straight up and mine were lemon drops. Yum!