Saturday, March 21, 2015

Life Lately

I feel like every other blog post on here is titled Life Lately which is lazy, but also, isn't that what lifestyle blogs are about?

This is also kind of an iPhone dump.

You've been warned.

Unpacking is the worst. But our bar is set up and it looks great. Priorities, people.

The dogs are settling in well, except for Gizmo's nervous stomach. Which is a nice way to say that Denver has given Gizmo the squirts. (Aren't you glad you're reading this blog?)

We rocked Ikea, thankyouverymuch. 

One of the best things about our new neighborhood is that pretty much everything is within walking distance. I've gotten pretty good at talking myself into believing that if we walk to a meal, I'll burn enough calories to not feel guilty about that meal. That's a thing, right?

This guy loves Denver so much. No seriously, he can't stop talking about it and he's so smiley.

Scenes from my commute. I have a 15 minute walk every morning to work and I get to pass some really pretty sights like the ones above. I love having such a short trip to work (adios 2 hour commute!) and I like to pat myself on the back for the 1.5 miles I walk every day (it's that not a chubby girl thing to say, I don't know what is). Ask me when it's snowing or raining, but right now, I love my commute.

Today, I had a lunch date with this guy at a fancy/weird hot dog place which was delicious of course.

After lunch today, we went to the first of hopefully many Colorado Rapids games. It was just flippin' gorgeous outside, our team played really well, and it was really fun to hang out with a bunch of soccer fans and have some beers. Although, I've realized that I'm a little too sensitive for sports; I get really bummed out when people boo the other team or when they applaud when the other team messes up. That's just mean and I just want everyone to be happy and have fun. I'm going to be the worst soccer mom ever.


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