I realized the other day that I started this blog in October of 2009 because I was unemployed.
I had just moved back to California because my then boyfriend, now husband had accepted a job there.
I was bored and antsy and therefore this blog was born.
Here is my first little whiny post.
What I realized is, it's over three years later and I'm unemployed again.
I just moved to Maryland because my husband has accepted a transfer for his job.
And here I sit and here I blog home all day unemployed.
(I also job search and clean and stuff just so we're clear)
I haven't worked since November 21st.
And I'm already freaking out.
Thinking about applying for jobs far below my grade just to have one.
Which I don't want to do for the sake of my resume.
And my sanity.
But the fear is creeping in stronger and stronger now.
And then I realize, that last time.
The last unemployment time.
I was unemployed for five months.
And then I crap my pants in fear.
But I am lucky because I have a husband to support me.
And a roof over my head.
And a blog to whine to when I feel so inclined.
Here's hoping three years from now I'm not writing a post on how bored I am being unemployed again.

That was my life until Monday. We moved to Chicago for my husbands job and I was unemployed from June until Monday. You will get a job don't worry, but trust me enjoy your time at home :)