As you've heard me lament before on this here blog, I have a horrible memory. I forget things the second they happen and I often end up getting confused about whether or not something actually happened or I imagined it. Unless it's something really bad. Those memories I usually can't shake. But I've written about enough dark things on here this month so we'll go with something happy.
One good vivid memory of Mike and I is from the day we got engaged. I can remember how I felt sitting in that jewelry store literally sweating from the stress and excitement of trying on engagement rings. I can remember picking out the one I liked and Mike telling the salesman that he wasn't going to be able to get me to give it back to have it sized. And I can remember Mike stopping me outside the store to spur of the moment ask me to marry him. But most of all, I can remember the feeling of elation we both had the rest of the day; shopping and eating lunch, and walking around. We walked through the stores, hand-in-hand, with huge goober smiles on our faces. It was a fantastic, memorable, and romantic day in our own weird little way and I hope I never forget it.

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